5 important tips for a bodybuilder

Good day, dear readers of the site ironflex.com.ua, my name is Kostin Alexander and I am the author of a blog about bodybuilding, gymblog.ru.
In today’s article, I will give you some tips for successful training that will definitely help you gain muscle mass and build a body that deserves attention and respect.

Although I have already mentioned this topic on my blog in an article on natural bodybuilding, today we will touch on some other points of proper training.

So, let’s begin…

Like any other sport, bodybuilding has its own rules that must be followed in order not to end up in the penalty box. Only these rules must be followed not only during training or during competitions, but also during rest, while working or studying, while walking, that is, always.

And there are not so many of these rules, and these are exactly what we will talk about now:

1. Goal and plan to achieve this goal.

You must have a goal for your training and a plan that you will adhere to in order to reach this goal, scheduled not for one day, but for several months in advance. For example, if you set a goal for yourself, say, to gain a few kilograms, then you should come to the gym and direct your training to achieve this goal today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a month, that is, always until you complete it. Under no circumstances should there be a situation where you want to lose weight today and gain weight tomorrow. And you must always be ready to answer the question – “Why are you doing this or that exercise?” Since each exercise is part of your plan to achieve your goal.

2. Use heavy weights.

It is heavy weights that make our muscles grow. The more weight we lift, the larger our muscles become. This is one of the fundamental rules in bodybuilding and should not be neglected. If you want to build a little more muscle, then try to throw at least 1 more kilogram on the barbell. Our body gets used to the same weight and stops growing, therefore, it needs to be surprised with a new, larger weight. However, I am in no way saying that you need to increase weight every workout, and this is impossible. However, make weight gain a priority in your training program.

3. Water.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is water that makes our muscles increase in size, since they are 75% water. Drink as much clean, still water as possible during and after your workout. It helps thin our blood, but reduces stamina.

4. Free weights.

Exercise machines are very simple and comfortable to use, but they are not the most effective means of building muscle mass. But the point is that they do not allow the stabilizer muscles to work and therefore grow. Free weights, in turn, use more muscles and, as a result, give better muscle growth. The most effective exercises with free weights are the bench press, deadlift, squats with a barbell on the shoulders, standing biceps curls, overhead barbell lifts (military press), lying dumbbell flyes, bent-over barbell rows, alternate dumbbell rows bending over and some other exercises. So here’s my advice to you – forget about exercise machines for the first time, lift actively with free weights.

5. Sports nutrition.

Perhaps many of you will say: “You can build muscle without sports nutrition.” I will answer – “Yes, you can, but it’s not very easy.”

Look, the body absorbs 30 grams of protein at a time, and to get these same 30 grams of high-quality protein you need to eat 10 raw proteins at a time. Or is it better to drink a portion of delicious protein with milk? The answer is obvious. Or if you can’t lift the weight of the barbell, then use creatine , which will make your muscles grow, especially since I can say from my own experience – “Creatine really works!”

Here are some tips I can give to every bodybuilder. But that’s not all, and if you are interested in what other tips for proper training exist, you can visit my blog Secrets of Modern Bodybuilding, where you will find a lot of interesting and proven information on training.

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