Adding ginger to your food will help you burn more calories.

Ginger can help with weight loss. Nutritionists from Columbia University published a study on human metabolism in which it was determined that people burned 43 additional calories after eating a meal that included ginger.

During the course, the researchers did an experiment in which 10 people participated. They had an average body mass index, so they were a little overweight. Scientists gave the men a breakfast consisting of muffins and orange juice. Breakfast contained 595 calories, of which 85 g carbohydrates, 25 g fat, 7 g protein.

In another case, along with the same breakfast, people were given a glass of water in which 2 g of ginger was dissolved. You can find this ginger powder in any supermarket.

Six hours after breakfast, the researchers measured the men’s energy expenditure. They concluded that people burned more energy after eating breakfast with ginger.

After each meal, energy expenditure increases, but it can be reduced by 43 calories if the meal contains ginger. If you add ginger to your diet on a daily basis, a simple calculation shows that you can lose 2 kg of fat in a year.

Ginger also increases the feeling of fullness after eating.

Scientists don’t fully understand how ginger works. They examined the blood of the men who took part in the experiment, but found no significant effect on the concentrations of insulin, glucose, interleukin-6, leptin, adiponectin or active ghrelin.

However, researchers have concluded that ginger may help with weight management. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add ginger to your diet when doing fitness or bodybuilding.

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