Alcohol and fitness

Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle, scientists say, as alcohol reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The new study assessed the effects of alcohol on the bone tissue of postmenopausal women who drank one or two drinks a day several times a week. Researchers at Oregon State University measured women who didn’t drink alcohol and found a significant increase in bone markers in the blood.

Bones are in a constant state of reconstruction – old bone tissue is replaced by new ones. In people suffering from osteoporosis, bones lose more than they gain, causing them to become weak. About 80 percent of all people who suffer from osteoporosis are women during menopause because the amount of estrogen, a hormone that helps bone tissue repair, decreases.

Studies have shown that moderate drinkers have higher bone density than abstainers or heavy drinkers. Alcohol appears to behave like estrogen, the researchers say.

The current study, which was published July 11, looked at 40 postmenopausal women who regularly drank mild alcohol once or twice a day. The result was interesting – there were no hormonal deviations.

The researchers also showed that after stopping drinking alcohol, the risk of getting a fracture increased significantly.

“Moderate alcohol consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle that includes good nutrition and exercise, as it promotes bone health, especially in postmenopausal women,” said Ursula Iwaniec, professor in the Faculty of Public Health and Social Sciences.

According to the researchers, many drugs that prevent bone destruction are not only expensive, but may have unwanted side effects. While drinking too much alcohol has negative effects on your health, drinking a glass of wine or beer can help prevent you from getting sick.

It turns out that even athletes involved in fitness and bodybuilding will not be at all harmful to miss a glass of wine.

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