Beneficial properties of lemon

The benefits of lemon and its unprecedented popularity are due to the fact that it contains a high concentration of vitamins B and C, antioxidants, proteins, flavonoids, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates, and essential oils. And here it no longer plays a particularly big role in what form you use it – be it added to fresh juices or in the form of lemon cake.

Lemon juice was used in ancient Egypt to get rid of the effects of food poisoning, and in India, practitioners use lemon zest to treat liver diseases. The Sicilians used lemon peel to prevent scurvy. Lemon peel and juice are still widely used today to cleanse and tonify the liver.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an antibacterial, antiviral agent that also boosts immunity. It fights diseases and infections as it contains high levels of bioflavonoids, pectin, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamin. It stimulates digestion, promoting weight loss.

– Mix lemon juice and water to relieve a sore throat. Add salt and you can gargle when treating a sore throat.
– Add lemon juice to hot tea with honey to reduce fever, fight the flu, and relieve nausea.
– Drink lemon juice to combat fatigue and replenish electrolytes after an intense workout or overheating.
– In order to stop nosebleeds, apply a piece of cotton soaked in lemon juice.
– You can eliminate gallstones with lemon juice and olive oil.
– Lemon juice may help reduce cholesterol and hypertension, diabetes, relieve constipation, strengthen gums and teeth, treat kidney stones, heart disease and stroke, lower body temperature, and may have anti-cancer effects.

Hot water and lemon

– Taking lemon with a glass of hot water in the morning cleanses the digestive system, relieves swelling, acts as a diuretic, helps digestion, fights hunger, and promotes weight loss.
– Will help reduce cough, allergies and freshen breath.


– Lemon juice cleanses the skin, reduces acne, wrinkles, softens, removes age spots, scars and clears excess oil. Vitamin C, citric acid and alkaline properties work with bacteria both internally and externally.

pH Balance

– Lemon juice creates an alkaline environment, creates a balanced pH balance in the body, and also restores the body by providing high levels of vitamin C and potassium.
– Reduces acidosis and relieves arthritis, rheumatism and pain caused by fibromyalgia.

Lemon peel

– Lemon zest reduces cramps and gas pains while it improves digestion, increases blood circulation, stimulates urination and the immune system. It contains pectin, which helps get rid of toxins and heavy metals.

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Lemon

– Lemon balm is calming and relaxing and can relieve bouts of anxiety, nervousness and tension.
– Lemon oil relieves fatigue and improves alertness and cognitive function.
– Promote sleep and reduce tension with a mixture of lemon balm, valerian, hops and chamomile tea before bed.

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