Boxing. We train fast punches

Boxing. We train fast punches

There are two main types of punches in boxing – pushing and whipping. The latter are also called snapping. That’s what we’ll call them.

How can we characterize a pushing punch?

Imagine that you want to punch through a wall. You tense your entire body and deliver a punch with all your might right on target, at every stage of the trajectory of your fist, fully controlling its movement and maximally contracting the muscles in your hand. When delivering such a punch, you get the feeling that the force of this punch should be enough to break through if not a brick, then at least a wooden partition. This is exactly what a pushing punch is.

What is a snapping punch and how can we characterize it?

Imagine that your hand is not really a hand, but a whip that is controlled by your torso. It is constantly in a flexible, relaxed state. At the moment of striking, you simply throw this whip forward and as soon as, or more precisely, a moment before the fist contacts the surface on which the strike is delivered, the muscles in the hand contract and transfer the energy of the strike to the surface. Note that the strike does not continue in depth, it is delivered precisely on the surface. After which the boxer’s hand completely relaxes, in a sense even bounces off the struck surface and quickly returns to its original position. This is a whip or snapping strike.

What disadvantages do we see in pushing strikes?

Firstly, such strikes require much more physical effort from the boxer and when delivering the same number of pushing and snapping strikes, the boxer will waste very different amounts of energy.

Secondly, since this strike is delivered in a completely tense state, the speed with which such a strike is delivered is much lower. And if you try to hit your opponent in the head, he will easily be able to dodge it and then make a counterstrike before your hand returns to its original position for defense.

Thirdly, if you compare boxing with a stockbroker, it is very unwise to bet all your assets on one player, even a strong one. It is much safer to make a series of 3-4 light, low-energy punches, which will not leave a gap in your defense, than to invest in one super-powerful punch, miss the target and also risk being caught in a counter-move.

And what are the advantages of snapping punches?

The most important advantage is speed and defense. Do not think that a snapping punch can be compared to a slap. It is not like that at all. Have you heard the tip of a whip snap? At the moment of impact, it develops supersonic speed, and you hear not just the whip hitting the surface of something, but a sonic boom. Something similar happens with a hand, but of course not at such a speed. And all the energy is transmitted through the surface to the entire object at an incredible speed.

To knock out your opponent, you don’t need to move his head half a meter from its original position. The faster this shift occurs, the stronger the effect will be, and it doesn’t matter how far. 3-5 cm will be enough for a knockout. With a slam punch, the opponent’s head may fly half a meter to the side, spraying blood and saliva all over the ring, but he will simply catch his balance and continue the fight without any particular losses, except for possibly knocked-out teeth.

But all of this does not mean that there is no place for pushing punches in boxing. Quite the opposite. They simply have a different intended purpose. Pushing punches are effective when used on a massive but soft surface. And such a surface is the opponent’s body. This is where you need to put truly heroic strength to break through a powerful muscular corset that protects sensitive internal organs from damage and shock.

How can you practice a snap punch?

It is not as easy as it seems, but there are clear signs that you are doing everything right.
When working on a punching bag, with a push punch, the bag flies away from you like a ball. With a snap punch, the bag remains in place, but begins to vibrate with its entire surface. Energy is transmitted to the entire volume at the same time. The sound from the punch is clear and fast, like clapping your hands.

During training and practicing snap punches, you must get used to a special psychological state in which you should not perceive your hands as part of the body, and your fist as an extension of the hand. Your hands can rather be compared to ropes tied to your shoulder joints. When starting a punch, simply make a sharp turn of the entire body, as a result of which an imaginary whip consisting of your hand, including a relaxed fist, rushes towards the enemy. The fist acquires the properties of a fist in its usual sense only at the very last moment, immediately before contact with the target. At the same time, no effort is needed to break through this surface. The fist should bounce back in your direction, the arm should be completely relaxed, and the muscles should be tense only to return it to its original place.

Master the technique of snapping punches, and you will notice how much more effective your boxing will be.

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