Coenzyme Q10 prevents and treats heart disease

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is well known as an important compound needed by the body to facilitate the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in cells and convert it into energy needed for metabolism. Unsurprisingly, this vital natural enzyme complex may be key to preventing potentially life-threatening forms of cardiovascular disease.

Several studies have shown that CoQ10 works at the cellular level to protect delicate DNA cells and reduce dangerous inflammatory processes that are closely linked to heart disease. Coenzyme also improves blood supply to the heart muscle and increases the elasticity of the vascular system, preventing the fragility of blood vessels, the so-called “hardening of the arteries.” Scientists also found that CoQ10 reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Spanish scientists experimentally confirmed the above beneficial properties of coenzyme. The study itself was conducted using twenty volunteers aged 65 years and older who used three different diets for four weeks. One of the diets contained 200 mg of CoQ10.

The group that took CoQ10 showed excellent results in their bodies. DNA damage. The authors of the study concluded that the addition of CoQ10 reduces cellular oxidation, that is, slows down aging. A

Chinese team of researchers published their conclusion on the effect of CoQ10 on the thin endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. Endothelial dysfunction is known to be a precursor to heart disease and heart attack. Scientists conducted an experiment in which they gave test subjects 300 mg of CoQ10 for 12 weeks. As a result, they noted a significant improvement in arterial strength due to increased blood flow and improved cellular energy within their endothelial cells.

Scientific evidence shows that CoQ10 is a powerful tool for preventing and combating cardiovascular disease. Recently, ubiquinone has become increasingly popular. It has been found to be eight times more potent than standard CoQ10 and remains in the circulation much longer.

To maintain overall health, you need to include coenzyme in your diet.

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