Do Plants Contain Steroids? Unbelievable but true

 Plant sterols are special biochemical compounds isolated from the intracellular plasma of rare plant varieties. The sensation of sterols is that in their molecular structure they are very similar to… steroids. Yes, yes, there is no typo here: sterols under a microscope, in fact, resemble anabolic steroids. And if so, then they can be used as anabolic steroids? Trying to answer this question, scientists broke many copies, but did not come to a consensus. As for the athletes, their verdict on plant sterols was unanimous: they don’t work! The curious thing is that scientists studied sitosterones and sigmasterones – a completely useless type of sterol. And they were also used as the basis for “sterol” food additives.

Meanwhile, in 1966, individual researchers managed to isolate a completely special type of plant sterols – ecdysterone and furastanol. These two substances have real anabolic effects! This discovery was not advertised. Sterols were used as a kind of secret weapon in the fight for strength records.

Those scientists who studied ecdysterone came to striking conclusions: under the influence of sterols, muscle anabolism increases by 190-200%, which is comparable to injections of deca-durabolin. How does ecdysterone act on human muscles? Scientists claim that sterols stimulate protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of muscle cells by accelerating the assembly of protein chains from amino acids . It is assumed that ecdysterone increases the concentration of potassium and calcium ions inside the muscle cell, and this in turn causes an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein.

And now, perhaps, about the most important thing: side effects. So, ecdysterone is not only safe, but also useful! It prevents cortisol from destroying cells and normalizes creatine synthesis . Increases the adaptive abilities of the heart, improves liver function and blood composition! Amazingly, being a powerful anabolic steroid, sterols do not suppress the body’s production of “its” testosterone. They get along well even with growth hormones. Those who have been using steroids for a long time are usually forced to give themselves GH injections, while even many years of taking ecdysterone not only does not weaken the natural secretion of growth hormone, but even enhances it!

Ecdysterone, unlike steroids, sports doctors recommend taking 30-50 mg daily, but the dose can be increased to 100 mg without the risk of complications – it all depends on your wallet.

It is quite obvious that the anabolic effect of sterols must be supported by the same measures as any steroid cycle: take a lot of protein, creatine and glutamine , in short, everything that will “facilitate” muscle anabolism promoted by sterols.

The fantastic anabolism of plant compounds that does not fit into the framework of common sense is not an idle invention of scientists. Ecdysterone has been used in elite sports since 1985, and in the former Eastern Bloc countries, the study of the effects of sterols was placed on a solid scientific basis. Ecdysterone was deliberately given to elite athletes and security forces, achieving a “steroid” effect. Then they learned about ecdysterone in the West. It was widely used by the US weightlifting team. Here’s what the head coach of American weightlifters, Dragomir Charoslan, says about this: “Our training program is so serious that there can fundamentally be no place for useless pills in it. As for sterols, they really increase strength, muscle size and reduce recovery.”

Today, ecdysterone is a consistent dietary supplement in the diets of elite athletes of all types. “Ecdysterone is indispensable during intense training,” says American coach-consultant Olympic-level athletes Jay Schroeder, “it allows athletes to reach a level of intensity that we could not even imagine before.”

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