Fitness for girls – pumping up your chest

In this article we will talk about such a serious aspect as breast training, especially for girls. Let’s start with the basic theory. As you know, men’s physiques are vastly different from women’s, and as a result, training regimens should look different from each other. If your instructor offers a training regimen that is no different from a man’s, feel free to start practicing on your own. We provide you with basic knowledge every week. We’ve digressed a little from the main topic. So, thanks to anatomy lessons, we remember that girls, in addition to the chest muscles, have mammary glands, and this situation allows you to immerse yourself in breast training with your whole head. The fact is that the pectoral muscles in girls are located directly behind the mammary glands, as a result, by training the chest and increasing the size of the muscle group, it will visually increase.

This is what contributed to the creation of the stereotype that breasts can be tightened and enlarged by several sizes thanks to special training. Yes, there is some truth here, and you will indeed tighten your bust and even increase its size a little, but training does not affect the structure of the mammary glands itself. A similar situation occurs with the calf muscles in both women and men. There is a soleus muscle group, above which the rest lie (I won’t bore you with the names of the muscles), so if you train the soleus, the calves will of course increase, but the appearance of the external muscles will remain the same.

The principles of chest training for girls are as follows:

1. Number of repetitions.

Since our goal is only local hypertrophy (increasing muscles due to blood flow, after training the effect remains, but not 100%), we need a large range of repetitions from 15 to 20, in each working set, of which there should be 3-4 per depending on the sensations and state of the body. In addition, before the first working set, you need to perform a warm-up approach involving 20-30 repetitions with a scanty weight of the projectile.

The working weight must be appropriate, since 15-20 repetitions can only be performed with light equipment.

2. Technique.

Well, what can I say, competent execution technique has always been an integral part of a good result. You can gain theoretical knowledge about the correct execution of a particular exercise with the help of our articles, but we still recommend taking an initial individual course of training with a trainer who will create a program, monitor the technique, and simply provide you with moral support. Only after this will you be able to study on your own and at the same time be sure that you are doing everything correctly.

A few more words about the execution technique. Don’t be afraid to progress in working weights, if your technique is perfect and you can handle 20 repetitions, then this only means that the weight of the projectile is low. Why don’t many people want to use moderate-heavy weights? The answer is simple – stereotypes. In one of the previous articles, we already talked about the fact that weight training will not make you more masculine, the reason for this is the very low level of testosterone, the male hormone. The chest muscles will develop only with proper technique and well-selected working weights.

3. Alternation of loads.

Unfortunately, many girls mistakenly believe that to build beautiful breasts, several exercise machines will be enough for them, which, by the way, have the same mechanics of execution. In fact, chest training needs to be approached from different angles, that is, you should use both basic exercises (using dumbbells and barbells) and isolating ones (simulators). This is the only way you will get the desired result.

If in one workout you performed a standard bench press on a horizontal bench, then in the next one use completely different movements. Speaking of movements, they can be divided into two types: presses and flyes. All actions that involve extension of the arms at the elbows can be called bench presses. A striking example of this is the standard bench press, or seated press in a machine.

Movements that involve bringing your arms in front of you are called flyes. The chest responds well to both movements. It is advisable to devote one workout to pressing movements and another to information. It is this technique that will allow you to develop the pectoral muscles as productively as possible.

Finally, I would like to give a list of the best exercises for the chest, taking into account the female physique:

– barbell press on a horizontal bench;
– arm raises with dumbbells on a horizontal bench;
– dumbbell press on an inclined bench (45-60°);
– bringing the hands together on the crossover (handles from below);
– bench press in a sitting position;
– pullovers on a bench with a reverse slope;
– push-ups (female version).

As usual, we will talk in more detail about some of the exercises in a series of subsequent articles.

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