Fitness Quiz Know Your Body Type

Body type is determined by the shape and size of your body. There are four basic types of bodies: ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, and hypermorph. Ectomorphs have long slender limbs and narrow hips. Endomorphs have broad shoulders and wide hips. Mesomorphs have average sized limbs and shoulders. Hypermorphs have short limbs and rounder shoulders.
Ectomorphs tend to be thin and weak. Their muscles are small and they often experience low energy levels.
Endomorphs tend to be larger than ectomorphs. Their muscles are stronger and they have more endurance.
Mesomorphs tend to be balanced in their muscle mass and strength. They are able to maintain good physical fitness without working out much.
Hypermorphs tend to be muscular and strong. They have high energy levels and are able to perform intense workouts.
A person’s body type is determined by how he/she was born. A child who is born with a certain body type tends to remain with that same body type throughout his/her lifetime. However, if a person gains weight after birth, then he/she may become overweight later in life.

The following questions will help determine your body type:
Question 1: Do you feel tired easily?
Answer: Yes Ectomorph No Endomorph Question 2: Are your arms and legs proportional to each other?
Answer: Yes Mismorph No Hypermorph Question 3: Do you have difficulty losing weight?
Answer: Yes No Mesomorph Question 4: Do you prefer to eat at night?
Answer: Yes Often Hypermorph Rarely Mesomorph Question 5: Do you get cold easily?
Answer: Always Yes Hypermorph Sometimes Mesomorph Rarely Ectomorph Question 6: Do you have trouble sleeping?
Answer: Never Yes Mesomorph Sometimes Hypermorph Frequently Ectomorph Question 7: Do you have a hard time concentrating?

Fitness Quiz Know Your Body Type – Find Out How Strong You Really Are!
Sebastian James’ Strength is in his shoulders, arms and legs. As you can see he’s more than capable of lifting a hundred pounds on the bench press — even when being worked at one end only (his goal for this competition was to lift 100 kg). I’ve seen other people using lifts that have really impressive numbers but they were done side-by –side like Sebastian would do with these exercises above. In addition Seb has strength built into his lungs; lunges are incredibly important because your chest moves around frequently during exercise which produces air resistance… Which means greater internal temperature loss throug

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