Green coffee bean extract is a powerful antioxidant

Although most people in society believe that coffee is harmful to health, this is not entirely true. Pure green coffee extract has become one of the best-selling weight loss products. In addition, the extract is beneficial for the health and performance of the body.

There are two main types of coffee plants – Arabica and Robusta. The highest quality green coffee bean extract can be obtained from Arabica beans because it contains more polyphenols, antioxidants, chlorogenic and caffeic acid. But these beneficial components disappear when coffee beans are roasted. So if you drink regular coffee, there won’t be as many benefits.

In addition, coffee is one of the most common plants to contain pesticides and herbicides. Research has shown more than 1,000 toxic chemicals in coffee. Therefore, it is very important to use organic coffee that is free from these dangerous chemicals that mimic hormones, overload the liver, kidneys and intestines, and also promote the growth of malignant tumors.

Another powerful carcinogen that is produced at high temperatures is acrylamide. This component, produced by a chemical reaction, is present to a greater extent in deep-roasted coffee than in green coffee.

However, there are many health benefits associated with coffee consumption. A recent study from 2011 found that people who drank coffee had the lowest risk of developing type II diabetes. Researchers have found that chlorogenic acid, which is present in coffee, reduces the level and creation of excess glucose in the body.

Blood Sugar Balance
Blood sugar balance is critical to a healthy body. Too much sugar in the diet leads to blood sugar imbalance. The body then goes through hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. This blood sugar imbalance causes inflammation in the body, to the detriment of the hormonal system, organs and immune system.

The main antioxidant present in green coffee bean extract is chlorogenic acid, which significantly stabilizes blood sugar levels. One clinical study found that 400 mg of green coffee bean extract reduced the post-meal blood glucose spike by 32%.

Cocoa and cinnamon also cope well with this task.

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