How to overcome a cold?

Go to the gym regularly and train hard. That’s the whole recipe for colds.
In any case, this is precisely what research conducted jointly by two universities – Wales and Birmingham – testifies to.

Before the start of the research, all participants in the experiment were given a cold vaccine, then they were divided into two groups. During the experiment, both groups regularly visited the gym, but if the first group performed strength exercises with relatively light or moderate weights, the second, on the contrary, did quite heavy ones. 

Constantly measuring the concentration of cold-fighting antibodies in the blood of the subjects, scientists noted that with each new measurement it became higher and higher. Moreover, both at the end of the experiment and 12 months after that, the concentration of antibodies in all participants in the experiment turned out to be significantly higher than before vaccination.

But what is most interesting is that the increase in antibody concentration in the second group was much higher than in the first.

Conclusion: intense strength training strengthens the immune system much more than light, half-hearted exercise.

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