Interesting things about fitness, bodybuilding, healthy lifestyle

Don’t interfere with your sleep

If you eat a large meal containing a lot of carbohydrates before going to bed, your sleep will most likely be disturbed. Scientific studies have shown that a portion of carbohydrates eaten 2-3 hours before going to bed leads to an increase in body temperature, which negatively affects the quality of night’s sleep. Another reason may be the composition of the diet. If the food is low in protein and high in carbohydrates, this leads to an increase in the production of free radicals by the body. As a result, the recovery of strength during night sleep deteriorates, and the person wakes up exhausted.

Remember that you should consume a minimum of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Eat food often – up to 6 times a day, but little by little. Every meal should contain proteins and carbohydrates. Consume less refined sugar. And be sure to take vitamins C and A, which fight free radicals. Drink warm milk before going to bed. Don’t drink tea at night. It contains the stimulant caffeine, which interferes with normal sleep.

Choose the time

Astrology has been declared a pseudoscience, but nevertheless, many people continue to believe that their destinies are programmed by the position of the stars in the sky at the moment of birth.

Modern medicine denies the influence of stars on health, but recognizes that many diseases are in some incomprehensible way connected with the month of birth of a child. For example, people born in April, May and June suffer from anorexia. (Neurotic fears plague those born in September, October, November and December. Diabetes is more common among those born in June, July and August. However, it has been found that people born in October, November and December live longer those born in April, May and June. Brain tumors are mainly a disease of those born in January and February.

Researchers refuse to associate the disease with the stars, and are busy searching for more prosaic causes. One of the popular hypotheses says that in everything. The sun is to blame. More precisely, changes in sunlight associated with the seasons. Sunlight affects the mother’s body and stimulates the formation of vitamin D, which has a huge impact on the development of the fetus’s brain. Sun deficiency results in a deficiency of the most important vitamin and, as a result, specific diseases of the child’s brain. An important role, scientists believe, belongs to the hormone melatonin . The secretion of this hormone in the mother’s body also depends on sunlight.

The older, the more

Athletes and bodybuilders with extensive training experience notice that over the years it becomes more and more difficult for them to get rid of excess fat. An explanation for this was found in the natural age-related reduction in the secretion of testosterone and thyroid hormones. As a result of recent research, sports doctors have found that the problem is much more complex. Scientists have discovered a special signaling protein in muscle cells. When a cell needs energy, this protein commands an increase in intracellular metabolism. The simultaneous acceleration of metabolic processes in billions of muscle cells as a result of physical training increases the overall energy consumption of the body. This causes the shock “burning” of subcutaneous fat.

Unfortunately, with age, the activity of the signaling protein decreases. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to fight excess weight. Researchers believe that this factor should be taken into account in the training process. The longer your training experience, the more aerobics and other types of physical activity you need to stay in good shape. This conclusion cannot be called pessimistic. The more you exercise, the better your health!

The worse the better!

It turns out that living well is bad. The more money you have, the more diseases you have. There are no exceptions to this rule. But when the economy is down, there is nowhere to work and free time appears for the first time. That’s when your health improves. Proven by science!


How to save money on supplements (sports nutrition)? It turns out that they need to be taken on time. Well, if you take supplements at the wrong time, they will not work. If so, then why accept it? So much for the savings!
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