Milk and sugar are a great product for a bodybuilder

 Milk is a great product for a bodybuilder! It contains a cool type of milk protein that is easily absorbed by our body. Compared to any other protein product, with the exception of the low-edible soybean, milk is the cheapest source of protein. And this is also important.

And just imagine, scientists have discovered a way to further increase the efficiency of milk protein absorption! How? To do this, you need to add a “harmful” product to the milk – ordinary sugar (sand or refined sugar).

Scientists forced three groups of men and women to take 30 grams of milk protein daily. Moreover, in the first group, 100 g of sugar was added to the protein, and in the second – 43 g of fat. The third group ate only “clean” protein . In the first group, 85% of the protein was absorbed, and in the other two, less – only 80%.

What’s the conclusion? If you take milk protein, add plenty of sugar.

Some might say that a 5% difference is insignificant. I undertake to prove the opposite. Let’s say you take 150 g of protein daily. You get 4.5 kg per month. Of these, 3.825 kg will be digested with sugar, and 3.600 kg without sugar. Multiply the difference by 12 months and it turns out that in a year with sugar your muscles will absorb 2-3 kg more protein! This means that the increase in muscle mass will be greater!

Why does sugar increase protein absorption? Firstly, because in the presence of sugar, the body uses fewer amino acids for “fuel”. And secondly, sugar stimulates the secretion of insulin, a strong anabolic hormone. Moreover, ordinary sugar here is much superior to natural milk sugar – lactose.

The question is legitimate: if sugar helps milk protein, then perhaps it will help any other protein? No, my friends, I do not undertake to answer this question in the affirmative. No one has yet conducted such experiments, and therefore wait a minute to roll your beef steak in powdered sugar. But if you’re a fan of milk protein, consume it with simple carbohydrates. This will definitely work!

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