Popcorn contains more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables

Popcorn is commonly served as a snack at movie theaters and other events. But few people think about whether it benefits the body? Scientists recently reported that popcorn contains more antioxidants called polyphenols than fruits and vegetables.

Joe Vinson, Ph.D., is a pioneer in analyzing the healthy components of chocolate, nuts and other common foods. He explained that polyphenols are more concentrated in popcorn because it contains very little water. Water makes up no more than 4% of popcorn, but in fruits and vegetables it takes up 90%.

The discovery also says that popcorn hulls, which everyone hates because they tend to get on teeth, contain an incredibly high concentration of antioxidants and fiber.

But this is where popcorn making gets tricky. After all, usually a large amount of not very high-quality sunflower oil is used for its preparation. And when you eat a whole bag of popcorn, which is also salted and contains some kind of flavoring, you get far from high-quality and healthy food, filled with harmful oil.

Even if popcorn is made correctly, it can’t replace fresh fruits and vegetables, so don’t rush to stock up on popcorn and throw away your greens. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and other nutrients that are critical to health. Naturally, popcorn does not contain all of this.

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