Recipes for all occasions – sports nutrition

Want to build muscle? Become stronger? Burn fat? Choose one of five sets of sports supplements, and the results will not be long in coming.

1) Muscle growth
– Protein-carbohydrate cocktail
– Creatine
– Arginine

THEORY: The secret to gaining muscle mass is very simple – throughout the day you need to consume more calories than you expend, and also constantly feed the body with protein. It follows that you should eat frequently, 5-6 times a day, of which 2-3 meals can be replaced with a protein-carbohydrate cocktail. As for ZMA (zinc-magnesium-aspartame) and arginine, these drugs accelerate the production of hormones. Add creatine to this “cocktail” , which will make you stronger, and muscle mass will grow by leaps and bounds.

EXPECTED RESULT: With our “cocktail” you can add at least 0.5 kg of pure muscle mass every 2-3 weeks.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: Creatine increases strength and tightens muscle fibers. ZMA increases testosterone levels. The combination of whey protein and quickly digestible carbohydrates protects muscles from destruction by catabolic processes and reduces soreness after strength training. Arginine stimulates the production of growth hormone and increases the flow to the muscles, making them “plumped”.

METHOD OF APPLICATION: A protein-carbohydrate cocktail should contain 30-40 g of protein and 50-80 g of carbohydrates. Drink one such cocktail before training, the second after.
– Add 3-5 g of arginine to your pre-workout shake.
– Add 3-5 g of creatine to your post-workout shake.
– An hour before bed, on an empty stomach, drink ZMA and 3-5 g of arginine.

2) Fat burning
– Whey protein
– BCAA amino acids
– Gaglsterones
– Capsicum
– Calcium

THEORY: To get lean, you need to burn a little more calories than you consume. Realizing the ego is simple: increase the duration of both cardio and strength training. The main problem with this is not to “lose” the muscles. One solution is to continually supply your muscles with protein and take supplements that convert fat into energy. This way, even though you are on a strict diet, you can maintain muscle mass without much effort. Plus, start gradually reducing your consumption of refined foods with “heavy” carbohydrates (pizza, chocolate, rolls, cakes, etc.) and fatty foods. And before going to bed, forget about them altogether. Do cardio workouts 4-6 times a week for 35-45 minutes each.

EXPECTED RESULT:In one week you will burn 0.5-1 kg of body fat. However, be careful! If you are losing a kilogram a week, but at the same time you feel like a squeezed lemon, then you have overdone your diet. Increase your carb intake slightly or cut back on your cardio. Are you losing weight at all? Jokes aside, it means you’re overeating!

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: Protein protects muscles. So if you’re limiting your calorie intake, be sure to increase your protein intake. New research shows that when you eat whey protein as the basis of a high-protein diet , you burn fat much faster than when you use red meat (like beef) as a smooth source of protein. Internationally recognized guru of sports supplements Jeff Feliciano also recommends BCAAs: “Muscles grow under calorie deficit – this is the effect of taking BCAAs. The stricter the diet and the more rigorous the training, the more important the role of these amino acids.” BCAAs are branched chain amino acids . There are only three of them – leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAAs become in demand by the body when, under conditions of an energy crisis, it switches to an alternative source of energy – proteins. By taking BCAAs, you prevent muscle tissue proteins from being used as fuel for energy production. To combat fat, Feliciano recommends using a new drug – capsicum, which dulls the feeling of hunger and speeds up metabolism.

In addition, Feliciano advises not to forget about the thyroid gland: “With a low-carbohydrate diet, sharp drops in insulin levels are possible, which can disrupt the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. And now it’s time to remember about gaglsterones – they will help the thyroid gland cope with such stressful situations.” Numerous studies show that calcium not only protects bones, but also very effectively inhibits the reaction of converting carbohydrates into fats.

HOW TO USE: Increase your daily protein intake to three grams per kilogram of body weight. It is quite difficult to get this amount of protein with regular food, so feel free to lean on protein shakes.
– Before cardio, take 5 g of BCAA and capsicum (60 mg 2-3 times a day).
– Take 1000 mg of calcium daily (preferably with meals, 330 mg three times a day).
– Take 60 mg of gaglsterones three times a day.

– Meal replacement
– Creatine
– Glutamine
– Flaxseed oil

THEORY:If you are new to the world of fitness, you will very soon realize that becoming big and strong is quite easy – you just need to train regularly and increase the number of calories you consume, i.e. eat more and more often. Meal replacements in the form of protein-carbohydrate cocktails do an excellent job with the second task. As a rule, they are high in calories, easy to digest, quick to prepare and, most importantly, they contain all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions. The famous Jay Cutler came to the gym as a skinny teenager and in just 6 months turned into a real Hercules. How? Very simple – he ate 6-7 times a day, alternating regular food with meal replacements.

EXPECTED RESULT: In 12-16 weeks you will add 5-6, or even 8 kg of quality muscle. Perhaps, along with the muscles, you will also gain 2-3 kilos of fat. Don’t be upset! After all, an increase in muscles even by S kg will make you stronger, which is already the key to further progress.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: Meal replacement powders themselves contain a powerful dose of protein, vitamins and minerals, but they usually do not contain many carbohydrates. Therefore, we recommend mixing meal replacement powder not with water, but with skim milk or juice and adding fruit to it – this way you can easily get the missing calories. Creatine will add strength to you, which will subsequently result in an additional 2-3 kg of muscle. Glutamine will quickly restore glycogen reserves, the main source of vital energy, depleted after training. Flaxseed oil will provide you with healthy Omega-3 fats that enhance the effects of glutamine.

HOW TO USE: Eat 6 times a day, replacing 1-3 meals with meal replacement shakes.
– Before training, take 5 g of glutamine. After training, take a meal replacement shake with 3-5 g of creatine and 5 g of glutamine.
-Add one tablespoon of flaxseed oil to each meal replacement shake.

– Creatine
– Protein shake
– Phosphatidylserine
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin E

THEORY: Of course, training to develop strength is different from training aimed at increasing muscle size. However, the arsenal of sports supplements to achieve these two goals is almost identical. As for the “strength” training strategy, it is, in principle, simple – the working weight should be heavy enough to allow no more than 3-6 repetitions per set.

EXPECTED RESULT: Of course, nothing will change overnight. But within a few weeks you will be pleasantly surprised and your working weight will increase by 10%. If before your bench press record was 125 kg, now you will be able to bench press 140 kg. The same thing will happen with squats: you will be able to put a barbell weighing 165 kg on your shoulders instead of the usual 150 kg.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: Nothing improves strength gains like protein. And if you don’t take it in sufficient quantities, then you’re just torturing yourself in vain in the gym. Strength will not grow! Creatine will give you both strength and power.

Don’t forget about your biggest enemy – cortisol. Under the influence of strength training, the level of this catabolic hormone increases sharply, the processes of protein breakdown accelerate and begin to destroy muscles. Vitamins C and E will significantly reduce cortisol levels and protect your muscles from the negative effects of catabolic processes. The more you slow down catabolic processes, the faster you gain strength. The decisive blow to cortisol will be dealt by phosphatidylserine and glutamine. Remember: by lowering your cortisone levels, you are eliminating a major obstacle to the growth of testosterone levels, a hormone that directly affects your strength performance.

HOW TO USE: Take at least 3 g of protein per 1 kg of your body weight every day. For example, if you weigh 100 kg, then you need to consume 300 or more grams of protein per day.
– Take ZMA one hour before bed on an empty stomach.
– Before training, take 400 mg of phosphatidylserine.
– After your workout, drink a protein shake with 3-5 g of creatine. In addition, take 1000 mg of vitamin C and 800 IU of vitamin E.

– Carbohydrate cocktail
– Glycerol
– N-Acetyl Cysteine
​​- BCAA
– Ginseng root

THEORY: Endurance is directly related to your energy level. Long-term training depletes energy reserves, and all body systems begin to work to the limit, trying in every possible way to overcome the energy crisis.

The main task of sports supplements is to facilitate the work of the body in these extreme conditions, replenish glycogen reserves, saturate the muscles with water and maintain a high level of hormones responsible for recovery processes.

EXPECTED RESULT: By regularly taking our “medicines”, you will be much less tired during exhausting workouts and recover much faster.

OPERATING PRINCIPLE:During long-term training, carbohydrates have always been considered the most important source of energy. This is why many sports doctors recommend supporting such workouts exclusively with carbohydrate cocktails. However, today there is a different opinion. According to recent research, a post-workout shake that contains not only carbohydrates, but also protein, is much more effective at raising insulin levels than a purely carbohydrate shake. And as you know, it is maintaining high levels of insulin that prevents the destruction of muscle fibers. While carbohydrates should be the mainstay of your endurance training diet, don’t go overboard! An excessively carbohydrate diet can cause sharp spikes in blood sugar, which will immediately affect your energy – you either rush around like an “electric broom”, then suddenly lethargy and apathy come over you. To avoid this, take ginseng root. It not only keeps your sugar levels normal but also prevents fat accumulation. Glycerol saturates the body with water, which is especially important in hot weather. Heavy aerobic exercise reduces testosterone levels. To prevent this, take BCAAs before training. N-Acetyl Cysteine ​​supports levels of glutathione, an important antioxidant that restores strength.

HOW TO USE: 1-2 hours before training, take 50 g of glycerol, dissolving it in a glass of water.
– Before training, take a shake (80-100 g of carbohydrates or maltodextrin plus 20-26 g of whey protein), as well as BCAA.
– After training – 600-1000 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine ​​and ginseng root (2 times a day, 600 mg).

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Muscle Growth & Strength