Scientific bodybuilding

The most effective muscle-building protocol combines anabolic hormones and training. Professional bodybuilders are living proof of this fact. They manipulate the levels of their muscle-building hormones artificially through doping, and they train to enhance the effects of these hormones, creating powerful synergies. Natural bodybuilders may train, but as evidenced by their definition, they do not use any performance enhancing drugs. Does this justify the fact that they are not voluminous? Not at all!

For each bodybuilding supplement there is a corresponding hormone that is naturally produced in your body. It is entirely up to you to find a way to increase the efficiency of these receptors and “coax” your body into releasing each hormone at specific times, and training is exactly the tool you will use.

The goal of the following training program is twofold:
1) Naturally increase levels of powerful anabolic hormones.
2) Simultaneously increase the efficiency of their respective receptors in the muscles to extract the maximum from these hormones.

Know What You’re Doing
Most training programs are based on tradition, or/and what a weight lifter finds most enjoyable to do. They have no scientific basis. This is fine for bodybuilders who do it as a hobby, but what if your goal is to get the most out of every workout and still be a dope-free athlete ?

When drug users want bigger arms, they train their biceps and triceps and artificially increase the levels of certain specific anabolic hormones. Instead of taking doping drugs, you can “talk” your body into naturally increasing the secretion of these anabolic hormones. It’s not as easy as doping, but it’s legal and relatively safe.

As you might imagine, not just any type of training will manage your hormones in an optimal way. There is no room for speculation. Unfortunately, many training programs are hormonally inconsistent. For example, they increase your testosterone levels while reducing the number of testosterone receptors in your muscles. This is not the way to create synergy between your training and your hormones.

To promote the highest levels of anabolic hormones possible without doping, you must increase the sensitivity of specific target muscles to these hormones.

Introduce some rationalism into your training
The following program is an example of how to incorporate some logic into your training. This is by no means the only way to train. It’s up to you to tailor it to your specific needs instead of following it blindly, but first you have to understand why it makes sense. I didn’t choose training techniques, exercises, and rep schemes randomly, or simply because they felt good. I selected them for their ability to specifically stimulate both the anabolic hormone and the corresponding receptors in your muscles. Each workout in the program targets a new hormone and receptor so you are constantly changing the way you train. The muscle responds well the first time to stimulation with an anabolic hormone. If you provide the same stimulation over and over again, the muscles will not grow either. The muscle will develop immunity on its own against repeated stimulation, and it will take time for your muscles to regain their previous sensitivity to the hormone.

This may make the program look complicated at first, but once you get used to it and understand the logic, it will make sense. You will also note that you will not have any days off. Some people like to relax on Sundays. That’s good for them, but do your muscle fibers care whether it’s a Sunday or a holiday? Not training on weekends is a practice based on tradition, not rationalism.

The hormone manipulation training protocol is based on the following four-day cycle:
1) Pure negative training to stimulate local IGF-1 and FGF secretion and receptors.
2) Muscle tension training to increase testosterone receptor levels and decrease cortisol receptor activity.
3) Training on growth hormone or insulin to increase the secretion of growth hormone and GH receptors in the muscles and increase their sensitivity to insulin.
4) A day of rest, and then this is repeated over and over again. You finish each workout with a single set of 100 reps, and every eight days you insert a testosterone-boosting quad workout.

Here’s the circuit:
Workout 1: Testosterone-boosting quad workout

Rest day
Workout 2: Negative-only back workout
Workout 3: Chest-tension workout Workout
4: Insulin-boosting hamstrings and calves workout

Rest day
Workout 5: Negative-only shoulder workout
Workout about: Workout arms with tension
Workout 7: Testosterone-boosting quad workout

Rest day
Workout 8: GH-boosting back workout
Workout 9: Extremely negative chest workout
Workout 10: Tension workout for hamstrings and calves

Rest day
Workout 11: Insulin-boosting shoulder workout
Workout 12: Negative-only arm workout.
Workout 13: Testosterone-boosting quadriceps workout

Rest day
Workout 14: Tension back workout
Workout 15: GH-boosting chest workout
Workout 16: Negative-only hamstrings and calves workout

Rest day
Workout 17: Tension shoulder workout
Workout 18: Insulin-boosting arm workout

Start with workout 1 again, but this time the GH-raising workouts will become insulin-raising workouts and vice versa.

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Muscle Growth & Strength