Sweet Candy – Holly Madison

You are not a man if you didn’t visit the famous “Peepshow” on your first evening in Las Vegas. Variety shows, where girls perform topless, are also in Paris, but the performance, which has become a trademark of the US gambling capital, puts its European colleague in the belt with its purely American scope. The most beautiful blondes are countless, but in the center of the action is Hall Madison with her reference figure, the curves of which copy the classic standard called the “hourglass”. Dancing until dawn, she manages to train regularly, hosts a television reality show and produces women’s sportswear in collaboration with the Ultimate Fighting League.

M&F: How do you train?
   I had to rack my brains over my training schedule. After all, six days a week I dance at night. Then I sleep until lunch, and I need to have time to train so that old age does not affect my physical fitness when I perform at midnight. I typically work out on the machines four times a week, do intense dance workouts twice, and do saw-tests with a personal trainer once a week.

What goals do you set for yourself?
   When I started a reality show. It turned out that the TV screen was adding extra pounds to me. I never complained about being overweight, but now it turns out that I have to seriously lose weight. Only then will I appear truly slim to TV viewers. This is exactly what I am working on now.

Perhaps you hired a personal nutritionist?
   I don’t see the point in this. When you lead an active lifestyle and are deprived of a lot, any restrictive diets only do harm. They drain your energy. As a result, along with your weight, you lose your physical shape. Who needs this? I use common sense. I carefully select “healthy” products for my menu. If you exercise a lot and make sure you eat “healthy” foods, losing weight becomes inevitable.

Your favorite dish?
 Large bowl of lettuce with wine vinegar. Moreover, every time I add different sources of protein to the salad : chicken, fish or roast beef. As a result, I get dishes with different tastes. It seems to me that when I finish my career in Las Vegas, I will live only on ice cream. And I will definitely wash it down with beer! Joke!

Do you cook for yourself?
Certainly! Otherwise, I would deny myself the right to be called a woman!

Tell us about your sportswear line.
 I believe that fitness clothing should be comfortable first. But most importantly, it should motivate not only the woman to enjoy sports, but also all those who train next to her. I mean primarily the women themselves. They are quite jealous of each other’s clothes. Looking at labels on other people’s buttocks should not distract from your workout. Together with the League of Ultimate Fighting, I prepared women’s costumes in calm tones. The cut is loose. It hides figure flaws and makes a newbie woman more confident.

What advice would you give to our male readers?
 I recommend that men pump up not only their muscles, but also their brains. There is no more depressing sight than a man who has nothing behind his soul except big muscles. Like female beauty, male muscles do not last forever. Sooner or later the wind will tear off the autumn leaves, and what will be left? In fact, the importance of a candy wrapper should not be overestimated. After all, the main thing is the taste of the candy inside…

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