Teach your feet to walk again

So, your bodybuilder muscles look good in the mirror. However, they have one “inconvenient” secret: they really don’t know how to do anything. They have neither dexterous gymnastic coordination, nor the ability to effectively break through a cannonball volleyball serve…

In short, just an empty props in the manner of a cardboard theatrical set. So what should we do? We need to start developing the so-called functional strength. This is exactly the same muscle strength that helps us in life. It is fundamentally different from “dead” strength, which is aimed at performing pointless strength exercises. Think about it, how many times a day do you have to perform movements that replicate the bench press or bent-over row? That’s it! Sometimes highly specialized strength training takes an athlete so far away from real life that he loses the skill of simple movements and is unable to tie his own shoelaces without someone else’s help.

The first step is to teach your legs to work in a dynamic mode. Before, all you did was squat in one place. Meanwhile, the main function of the legs is to move a person in space. The legs perform this task together with the abdominal muscles. If this connection is misaligned, you become a clumsy seal. To get better, you need a treadmill. True, with one important amendment: the plug must be unplugged from the socket. From now on, your legs themselves will be the “engine” of the running belt. Your legs are already strong enough, and unusual exercises will also add running coordination to them. Very soon you will be rushing around any playground like a bullet, and no one will keep up with you

Take the position of support on the straight arms, as for push-ups on the floor. Place your feet on the “treadmill” that is turned off. Move one foot forward, rest your toe on the running belt and straighten your leg, turning the belt back. Repeat the movement. exercise in the style of “intervals”: ​​60 seconds – fast pace, 30 seconds – moderate pace.

Grab the side handles and begin to “walk”, turning the walking belt with the power of your legs. Do the exercise in the style of “intervals”: 60 sec. – fast pace, 30 sec. – moderate pace.

Stand on the “treadmill” with your back forward. Grab the handles and begin to “walk” backwards, turning the running belt with the power of your legs. Keep your back straight. Do the exercise in the style of “intervals”: 60 sec. – fast pace, 30 sec. – moderate pace.

A set of these exercises can replace “interval” aerobics for you. Perform the exercises using the circular method one after the other. Do 6-7 circles during the workout.”

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