There should be a lot of sleep, as well as food

Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in performance, drowsiness and, ultimately, to many troubles – from scoldings from the boss to car accidents. However, according to statistics, about 65% of all people are chronically sleep deprived. 

If you are a bodybuilder, then lack of sleep will affect what is most important to you – muscle growth. In principle, 8 hours of sleep should be enough for you, but for this you need to “improve your sleep.” Firstly, you should not get up when the alarm clock rings – this is always painful because it disrupts the natural rhythms of sleep.

How can we be here? 

You need to experiment with your bedtime. Let’s say you need to wake up at 7 am. Try to go to bed early – around 10 pm. It is quite possible that 9 hours of sleep will be enough for you, and you will wake up on your own around 7. If not, try to fall asleep even earlier. 
As a result, you must choose a time to fall asleep that will allow you to wake up on your own at the appointed time. Second: three hours before bedtime, finish all physical activity, and especially training. You should no longer watch TV, as it overstimulates the optic nerve and, subsequently, the entire cerebral cortex. You should also not drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks.

If you lie down but can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and read a book to calm your brain and distract it from disturbing thoughts. Another tip: don’t sleep during the day after 3 pm. Such a dream disturbs sleep at night. As for alcohol, it is better not to resort to it. Alcohol has unpredictable effects on the brain. In one case, it acts as a strong sleeping pill, in another, on the contrary, it overstimulates the nervous system.

It is better not to take sleeping pills under any conditions – they create dependence and worsen the condition the next day after taking them.

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