Vitamin C helps fatties

Overweight people who diet and exercise diligently can further increase their chances of weight loss success by supplementing with vitamin C. Research conducted at Arizona State University shows that vitamin C makes exercise less tiring for people who are overweight.

Exercise is already harder for overweight people than for thin people. If you ask a group of fat and thin people to perform the same exercise, the same physical activity will have a much harder impact on the overweight people. Naturally, they spend much more energy, since excess weight serves as a natural burden. But scientists believe that this is not the only reason. Researchers believe that this phenomenon is partly due to insufficient intake of vitamin C. In developed countries, vitamin C intake is low. Sometimes so low that it causes scurvy, as well as a decrease in the body’s production of L-carnitine . And, as you know, this is an extremely important amino acid , which is responsible for transporting fatty acids into cells for their combustion.

Researchers did an experiment with twenty overweight people. The subjects were kept on the diet for four weeks. They were divided into two groups. One group was given a supplement containing 500 mg of vitamin C. The control group was given a placebo.

During the experiment, both groups were tested on a treadmill. The results showed that vitamin C had no effect on weight loss, but it did significantly affect the endurance of those who took it. In numerical terms, endurance increased by 33%.

Thus, vitamin C can suppress fatigue and heart rate, which helps you exercise longer and better. It is also worth adding that vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and an element that supports immunity.

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