What is overtraining?

 Of course, sport is good, it is health and a cure for many ailments, including spiritual ones. But, as in any business, “what is too bad” works here too. Sports, whatever it may be – fitness , bodybuilding , weightlifting , must be practiced correctly and measuredly. Moreover, it very often happens that overtraining occurs in beginners or in those who do not fully understand all the points and subtleties of this matter. There is an opinion that overtraining occurs only in professional athletes . By no means, this opinion is wrong, since they just know what, how and when to do.

Symptoms of overtraining

Today you don’t want to go to the gym to do fitness, or the word fitness doesn’t sound very attractive to you. The training began to be monotonous and did not bring results, both morally and physically. There is no progress, loss of appetite, deterioration of psycho-emotional state, growing dissatisfaction with many things, poor sleep. Let’s say these are very common conditions for many young and active people. That’s right – it’s stress. It can be caused by a lot of reasons – work, family and other factors. But sport can also “help” this.

Below are the most common and common symptoms of overtraining:

1. Sleep disorder. There can be two options here – sleep disappears or it becomes insufficient. In the first case, falling asleep becomes a big problem. You also wake up at night, toss and turn all night, and get up much earlier than the alarm clock and the required time. In the second case, you want to sleep all the time. It feels like you could have slept for several days. When you manage to sleep longer, you do not feel alert, but rather lethargic and sleepy.

2. Apathy. The emotional and mental state worsens. You notice that you have become irritable and dissatisfied. Attacks of anger and sadness appear. Everything around you gets boring, your productivity disappears.

3. Training. The workouts start to get boring because they don’t bring results. The weights are getting heavier and heavier. You often look at the clock and wonder when you should go home. Recovery takes longer than usual. You go to your next workout, but you have no idea how you will train, since everything still hurts from the last one.

4. Deterioration of immunity. This is not a very good symptom, since decreased immunity leads to frequent colds and illnesses. If such symptoms are familiar to you, then you should rethink the current situation a little and evaluate all the wrong actions that led to this condition. Measures must be taken, as it will only get worse. In women, this can lead to changes in hormonal levels, which will naturally lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. But fitness may have nothing to do with it, so you need to really assess the situation and find the true irritants.

Causes of overtraining

If you understand that everything is going well in your life, your family is completely idyllic, your favorite job brings you pleasure, and in the gym you work at three times the norm, then most likely the above-described condition is associated precisely with sports overtraining.

1. Insufficient recovery. Each workout is a significant stress for all organs of our body. After hard workouts, micro tears in muscle tissue occur in the muscles, which need time to recover. If this time is not enough, each subsequent workout will aggravate the condition.

2. Nutrition. An athlete of any sport needs a special diet, as he consumes more calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, more vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants will be consumed. You need to understand this. After all, an insufficient amount of calories and protein will not allow you to recover after training, which will systematically lead to overtraining.

3. Sleep. Rest is the most important thing for recovery. You should try to go to bed earlier. There is always an opinion that if I go to bed an hour later, nothing bad will happen. Yes, but if you do the math, an hour of sleep deprivation every day turns into 30 hours of sleep deprivation in a month, and that’s not enough.

How to get rid of overtraining

No special medications are needed for this. There is no need to stop doing fitness either. You just need to reduce the intensity of your workouts, take a little longer breaks between them, strengthen your diet – eat more vegetables and fruits, you can additionally take multivitamin complexes. Try to take more rest from other worries – work and home. Spending more time outdoors or on the beach won’t hurt either. In a word, you need to give your body the opportunity to rest a little and shake itself up – to feel it and understand what it needs.

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