Common Sense Test

Imagine, today the main enemy of one’s health has become the person himself! Thousands of thousands of people are dying from their own destructive lifestyle! Through overeating, lack of sleep, and emotional stress, they bring their body to the most severe conditions. It’s hard to believe, but the number one killer these days is high blood pressure!

This new scourge makes modern medicine helplessly shrug its shoulders. In fact, what medicine can she counteract smoking, drinking, irregular eating, eternal overwork, a chaotic, unorganized life and the all-conquering laziness to give herself at least a minimum of physical activity?..
In this chaos of self-destruction, only we, bodybuilders, stand as an unshakable bulwark of common sense. We are the last hope of humanity. Although we are considered athletes, we have nothing in common with modern sports and its crazy slogan of victory at any cost. The main thing for us is perfect athletic harmony of the body, excluding the humiliation of the spirit by weakness and illness.
Let’s remember Hellas. Our ancestors then did not know the painful division of their nature into spiritual and physical. The strength of muscles and the power of intellect were for them a single tool for fulfilling the super-tasks of human destiny – achieving ever new heights. For the Hellenes, muscles were a divine gift of nature, restoring man and multiplying his species capabilities. That is why muscles turned into an object of conscious worship, becoming an aesthetic symbol of all types of ancient Greek arts. Take a look at the sculptural masterpieces of the past depicting man, and you will see, indeed, the highest product of evolutionary development on the planet.
These magnificent statues are like two peas in a pod and resemble today’s bodybuilders. After all, we bodybuilders think the same way as the ancient Hellenes.
Once upon a time, the ancient Greek philosophy of beauty, strength and health gave rise to the entire human civilization. Today we, modern philosophers of physical harmony, are called upon to save it. To the suffering world, we offer our recipe for survival – sports exercises, multiplied by healthy nutrition and proper rest.
The attitude towards bodybuilding is a kind of test of common sense for all humanity.
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