Diet – to make your abs visible

Despite the fact that the technique of targeted pressure on the abs is scientifically proven, we cannot do without a diet. Think for yourself, if through nutrition we receive new fats to replace the destroyed ones, what is the point of the program? In addition, the diet activates other physiological mechanisms of fat burning, which will be of great help to us. In any case, training and diet are equal factors in training aimed at “exposing” the abs. Moreover, the combination of strength exercises and low-calorie nutrition is unparalleled in burning the most problematic visceral fat.

The diet we offer you is aimed at eliminating excess fat in the body, in particular in the abdominal area. We are talking about a proven high-protein diet that bodybuilders have been practicing for more than half a century, and which Dr. Atkins declared a personal invention several years ago.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. Atkins’s claim that consuming more protein instead of carbohydrates and fat leads to significant weight loss has attracted scientific attention. Numerous studies have been conducted that confirm what every bodybuilder knows: to lose weight, you need to eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates.

In short, anyone who goes on a classic bodybuilder’s diet, which contains 25-30% protein , will be able to lose extra pounds without even touching the hardware. Extreme diet options also bring more tangible results. A 2006 study found that a diet containing 40% protein resulted in twice the fat loss compared to a diet containing 20% ​​protein. At the same time, the subjects did not engage in sports.

Throughout the entire duration of the program, you will take 50% protein, which, in combination with strength training and aerobics, will give us record fat burning rates.” At the same time, a strict protein diet will bring considerable benefits to your health. According to science, reducing carbohydrate intake by increasing the specific proportion of protein in the diet, it evens out the level of insulin, suppresses appetite and at the same time speeds up metabolism, which leads to obvious improvement.


When protein displaces carbohydrates from the diet, the body is left without sugar and inevitably begins to “burn through” fat. Moreover, the dependence is direct. eat carbohydrates, the more fat you lose. However, a chronic deficit of carbohydrates in the diet cannot become the rule.

In order to speed up the burning of belly fat as much as possible, we will eat the smallest amount of carbohydrates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (abs training days), but on Tuesday and Thursday. and Saturday we will take revenge and double our carbohydrate intake.

On “critical” days we will draw no more than 20% of all food energy from carbohydrates. As a result, per kilogram of body weight we will have about 1 g of carbohydrates per day. Think about it, a bodybuilder weighing 80 kg will cost 80 g of carbohydrates.This portion will fit in the palm of his hand!

On other days, we will increase our carbohydrate intake to 40%. There will already be 3 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, which means an increase in the daily portion for our average athlete to 240 g.

On days of low carbohydrate intake, make up for the energy deficit with healthy fats. For example, peanut butter.

Why are such “zigzags” needed? The fact is that low carbohydrate consumption, although more beneficial in terms of fat burning, leads to inhibition of the secretion of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for weight loss. As a result, the metabolic rate drops and fat burning stops. Well, when we alternate days with different carbohydrate intakes, we are guaranteed to maintain high leptin levels and can “burn” fat for many months in a row.

For both days, calorie intake remains the same – 30 per kilogram of weight. So we are just “hanging out” about the content of different nutrients in the diet.

As for protein, we eat the same amount throughout the week: 3.5 g per kilogram of body weight. For our example bodybuilder this will be about 300 g per day.

As you know, we change the carbohydrate content, so we have to restore the number of calories to normal at the expense of fat. On low-carb days, fat makes up 30% of the energy intake of the diet, and on other days, fat intake will drop to 10%. It is clear that we are talking only about the so-called. healthy fats: peanut oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, and fats from avocados and egg yolks.

And now about the weekend. On Saturday we’ll be eating a lot of carbs, having protein shakes twice (the second time with a muffin) even though we’re not working out. Sunday is a carbohydrate deficiency day. Here we take the protein shake only once. And without a bun!

Although our sample plan is for a bodybuilder weighing 80 kg, it will work for anyone weighing between 70 and 90 kg. If you are lighter or heavier than these figures, make your own calculations using the data from the “Statistics” table.

It must be emphasized that the ultimate success of the program depends on strict adherence to the nutrition plan. Irregular eating and uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates will devalue your training efforts. If you work or study, always prepare food in advance and take it with you. There is no alternative to a strict protein diet.


Our nutrition plan is designed for the average bodybuilder weighing 80 kg. You can independently calculate a diet for your weight using the following data.

Lots of carbohydrates  3,5/50%  3/40%  1/10%  30
Low carbs  3,5/50%  11/20%  1.5/30%  30
This is the daily calorie intake per kg of body weight for 6 weeks.


This daily nutrition plan is designed for a bodybuilder weighing 80 kg. Apply it 4 times a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. On these same days you need to train your abs (except for Sundays).

Calories Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g)
Fried eggs
4 whole eggs  296  24  2  20
4 squirrels  68  16  0  0
1 lodge peanut. oils  188  8  6  16
1 ml. whey protein  85  20  0  3
1 ml casein  120  23  4  1
1/2 jar conc. tuna  110  20  0  3
200 g low-fat cottage cheese  163  28  6  2
200 g chicken breasts  185  39  0  2
100 g spinach  30  3  8  0
1 ml. whey squirrel  85  20  1  0
1 ml. whey squirrel  85  20  1  0
1 ml. casein  120  23  4  1
1 whole grain bun  289  11  56  2
300 g salmon  468  51  0  27
1/2 cup vegetables  55  2  6  0
1 ml. casein  120  23  4  1

Total per day: 2467 calories, 331 g protein, 97 g carbohydrates, 75 g fat.


This daily nutrition plan is designed for a bodybuilder weighing 80 kg. Apply it 3 times a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you have a different body weight, recalculate your diet using the “Statistics” table.

Calories Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g)
Fried eggs
4 whole eggs  296  24  2  20
4 squirrels  68  16  0  0
1 cup oatmeal  130  5  22  2
1 banana  120  2  31  1
1 ml. whey protein  85  20  0  3
1 ml. casein  120  23  4  1
1/2 cup dry oatmeal  145  6  25  2
200 g chicken breasts  156  33  3  0
2 slices of bread  140  6  26  2
1 cup cottage cheese  163  28  6  2
1/2 cup. pineapple cous-mi  40  1  10  0
1 ml. whey squirrel  85  20  1  0
1 orange  86  2  22  0
1 ml. whey squirrel  85  20  1  0
1 ml. casein  120  23  4  0
3 slices of white bread  198  6  39  3
1 spoon of honey  112  0  28  0
150 g chicken breasts  246  53  0  3
1 potato  120  2  26  0
2 cups broccoli  60  6  12  0

Total per day: 2547 calories, 307 g protein, 226 g carbohydrates, 28 g fat.

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