Essential aminos as a source of performance

Everyone knows that supplemental intake of essential amino acids (not produced by the body) helps increase strength and muscle growth. What about performance and endurance?

Scientists from the University of Nebraska conducted the following experiment: for six weeks, one group of female athletes took 18 grams of essential amino acids daily, and the other took a placebo. All women trained on a split program of three cardio and three strength training sessions per week. Classes in the gym were carried out according to a typical bodybuilding scheme. And although in such a short period of time no significant changes in the rate of muscle growth were found in the athletes of both groups, the performance indicators of the “amino acid” group were significantly higher than those of the athletes from the “placebo” group. The load with which the athletes who took amino acids worked increased by 20% compared to the beginning of the experiment (in the placebo group it decreased by 6%); in addition, the “amino acid” group increased the duration of the cardio session by 12%, and the “placebo” group by only 8%.

Despite the lack of scientific substantiation of these results, sports doctors still recommend essential amino acids as a means of increasing training performance.

Source: Muscle and Fitness, October 2001

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