Garlic boosts immunity

Garlic belongs to the herbaceous plant family and is the only natural antibiotic. It is also considered a super food, as it contains a huge amount of sulfur-containing substances and has the property of stimulating the immune system. Consuming garlic on a daily basis can be one of the best ways to prevent and fight infections and inflammatory diseases. This point is extremely important for bodybuilders and those involved in fitness. After all, maintaining immunity is one of the main tasks of an athlete.

Garlic has been used in many cultures throughout human history as a medicine. The Sumerians and other tribal groups throughout the Mediterranean region held garlic in high regard for its ability to fight infection. Even in Egyptian writing, dating back to 1500 BC, the use of garlic was mentioned to treat and prevent more than 22 common health problems. These same Egyptians fed garlic to their slaves who built the pyramids so that they would have more strength.

Garlic grows throughout the year in mild climates. The strong odor repels most insects, rodents and other animals. The largest supplier of garlic is China. Garlic is generally grown without the use of toxic chemicals and always contains low levels of pesticides and herbicides.

The main beneficial property of garlic is that garlic is one of the most powerful natural stimulants of the immune system. It contains over 100 bioactive components, including alliin, allicin, alinas and unique sulfur compounds. Allicin, together with sulfur, act as powerful antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents that have an incredible immunostimulating effect. In addition, garlic is also used to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and prevent certain forms of cancer.

Researchers have found that garlic is more powerful in fighting bacteria than popular antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline. Garlic is also a very powerful agent that fights tumor cells in the stomach, colon, breast and prostate. Sulfur compounds are also effective in removing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum.

The benefits of garlic are greatest when it is consumed within a few minutes after peeling. Since heat treatment significantly reduces its beneficial properties. The strong odor from garlic is the result of the breakdown of the large amount of sulfur it contains. But this smell can be overcome with parsley, fennel seeds, and mint. These plants contain chlorophyll, which reduces the odor of garlic.

The benefit of garlic’s strong scent is that it naturally repels mosquitoes, ticks and other vermin around. Large doses of garlic are known to kill internal parasites – worms, bacteria and viruses.

Include this super product in your diet and you can protect yourself and your family from many unpleasant things.

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