Insensitivity to complex carbohydrates

One of the fundamental rules of bodybuilding says: avoid simple carbohydrates (with the exception of before and after training) and lean on complex ones: bread with bran, cereals, vegetables, legumes. Complex carbohydrates stabilize insulin levels, thereby preventing obesity and diabetes.

But it may happen that complex carbohydrates are not friendly to your stomach. Or, as they say now, you have an immunity to complex carbohydrates – a new term that is perceived by many Americans almost as a diagnosis of a disease.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from this “sore”, and there is only one reason for this – the absence in the body of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which breaks down a long chain of complex carbohydrates into simple glucose. If your body is deprived of this enzyme, then you may suffer from uncomfortable symptoms of intolerance to complex carbohydrates, such as flatulence, abdominal pain, colic, diarrhea or constipation. However, there is a way out of the situation, and not even just one.

The simplest and most obvious is to stick to a low-carb diet. It’s quite easy to follow it, especially since low-calorie foods (read “low-carbohydrate”) are now in fashion, and most manufacturers are keeping up with fashion, releasing more and more low-carb products.

The second way is to take special medications as prescribed by your doctor. Although, as a rule, these drugs only weaken the symptoms of the “disease”, but do not cure the “disease” itself.

Finally, the third option is to take the missing enzyme in the form of a sports supplement. By the way, in this case, a doctor’s prescription is not at all necessary. Recent clinical studies have shown that taking an alpha-galactose supplement is a very effective method of combating complex carbohydrate resistance.

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