Interesting things about fitness, bodybuilding, healthy lifestyle. Part 2

Elliptical Trainer

An elliptical trainer burns more calories than a treadmill. This is exactly the conclusion that scientists from Eastern Washington University came to. As a result of their experiment, they found that doing cardio on an elliptical machine, you actually, without knowing it, expended much more effort than when doing cardio on a treadmill. And, as you know, before this it was the treadmill that was considered the “king” of cardio.

Exercise bike

Professional cyclists know that a tiny bike seat can lead to cramps, you can guess where. A recent study published in the journal Medicine & Science confirmed that the pressure on the groin area when doing cardio on a standard exercise bike with a narrow (racing) seat is twice as high as when using an exercise bike with a wide seat. Draw conclusions.

The benefits of boron are a deception.

American scientists have undertaken a study of boron compounds, which are widely advertised in the bodybuilding market as a means of promoting the natural production of the sex hormone testosterone. Two groups of subjects trained according to the same program, with some athletes receiving boron compound capsules daily, while others received a harmless placebo.

At the end of the control period, it turned out that both groups showed the same results in the following test categories: adding weight to pure muscle mass, maximum squat and maximum bench press. Boron compounds did not provide any benefit. The advertisement turned out to be a bluff.

Bodybuilder Ignorance Is Fading

The days of rampant bodybuilder ignorance seem to be fading into the past. A recent survey of American amateurs showed that 38% of teenagers use sports nutrition products, and 62% of adults use sports nutrition products. The constantly growing rating of nutritional supplements is clear evidence of the retreat of steroids. More and more bodybuilders around the world, making a choice between two types of stimulants – hormonal drugs and sports nutrition – are choosing the safe option.


Although the nature of the fate has not been established, scientists are firmly convinced that at least 6 types of HPV 70 viruses currently known cause uterine cancer in women. The risk of contracting the virus is proportional to the frequency of sexual intercourse. According to statistics, those who began sexual activity before the age of 18 seriously increase their chances of getting sick. The carrier of the virus is the man, so a condom can protect against infection. In any case, every woman should undergo a test regularly. The doctor takes uterine cells for analysis and examines them to identify degenerated ones, which serve as a warning about an imminent disease. With frequent screening, cancer can be detected at a stage where treatment can be successful.

Nature knows

Trying to maintain breast shape, many modern mothers refuse to breastfeed. Researchers from the USA have found that the level of stress hormones that provoke premature aging is much higher in such women than in those who do not try to contradict nature.

Risk factors

Heart attacks occur much more often in women than in men. Studying the reasons for this situation, scientists have found that the main risk factors for women are smoking, alcohol and taking stimulant drugs. It’s interesting that low-calorie diets made the list equally.

Self-diagnosis is necessary

Breast cancer is still the number one cause of death in women. It is believed that at an early stage, a woman is able to independently identify the disease by following a certain technique. However, most doctors are skeptical about this kind of self-diagnosis. Meanwhile, in the United States, a public campaign has been conducted since 1989 to teach women to self-diagnose cancer. The results summed up in 1993 showed that of the total number of women who developed breast cancer during this period, 46% under the age of 50 diagnosed the disease themselves. In the age group after 50 years, the figure was lower, but nevertheless still quite impressive – 36%. It is worth adding that doctors identified (at an early stage) only one case out of four. Thus, we can confidently consider the self-diagnosis method to be extremely effective.

Diseases are becoming more and more expensive.

The list of the most important medicines for humanity contains 500 items. In 1996 alone, prices for these drugs increased by an average of 4.6 percent. The cost of medicines is expected to rise even higher in the future.

Tobacco and children

According to doctors, approximately a quarter of asthma in children is caused by parents smoking at home. Parental smoking is also responsible for most cases of sudden infant death syndrome.

A new cure for AIDS

In the United States, a new drug against AIDS, ritonavir, was created and successfully clinically tested. The medicine can destroy up to 90% of AIDS viruses in a patient’s blood. In the control group taking this medicine, a significant slowdown in the course of the disease was found. Unfortunately, ritonavir is not able to completely cure AIDS.

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